Leave me alone

Pretty much everytime I walk through the city I am accosted by some random asking for money. "Man, spare change for the bus" (piss off you'll just spend it on grog). "Excuse me, can I borrow some money for food?" (despite the old man being morbidly obese). I am sick and tired of it. Just cause I live in the city doesn't mean I'll give you money! I work hard for every dollar I earn. Oh but you're a public servant, people say, you don't work at all. Except for the fact that I worked hard for 13 years in school and then spent another grueling 4 years at university. I lived on Youth Allowance for some of that time and that's only $440 a fortnight. Needless to say every dollar had to go far.

Meanwhilst these bums sit in the city and pester me for money. Get a job you lazy sod. I had one today (which is my I'm a little angry) that got angry at me since I cut him off mid sentence. "Oh don't worry about my pregnant girlfriend sitting here in the cold with no money to eat". Hey, I didn't get here pregnant and if I had a pregnant girlfriend then she certainly wouldn't be out on the street with my begging for money. She'd be at home resting!

It's not as though they have no money. They get centrelink and it's not my fault that they waste it on booze, drugs and gambling. And I'm probably sounding a bit harsh, but I give lots of money to charity plus I do lots of volunteer work. And I'd much rather give money to my selected charities then put in the hands of a drunk! Ugh so angry!!!