web page screenshots

Anybody know of an application which will automate the process of taking screen shots of webpages? html2ps sucks and does not produce interpretable output


Submitted by nemesis on Fri 07/11/2003 - 09:39

If you've got a copy of Adobe Acrobat, you can 'print' web pages to PDF files...

Thats what I usually do instead of physically printing reciepts of stuff I buy online.

Submitted by Husk on Fri 07/11/2003 - 12:08

Needs to be automated within a php script. i just want a small thumbnail of a website.

One thing i tried was html2pdf then pdf2jpeg but they dont like eachother

Submitted by nemesis on Fri 07/11/2003 - 13:43

Does pdf2jpeg work for a "normal" pdf?
And does html2ps produce a proper PostScript file?

If yes then try ps2pdf (heh yes, add yet another step to that complicated process)..

Otherwise if you have access to a copy of VB, you could chuck an Internet Explorer control on a form, have it navigate to the web site, take a screen shot into a Picture object and save that as a Jpeg...

Submitted by Husk on Fri 07/11/2003 - 14:56

html2ps doesnt produce proper ps output.

Im not running no windows crap