Last Day in san francisco

Yes, i'm afraid its true. Were leaving to go back to LA in the morning. It's been fun.

We've been kind of lucky, the person who i'm travelling with, has friends in San Francisco, which is kool, cos she takes us everywhere which is fun.

We went out to the 'East Side' last night with the san fran chick and her local friends to some of the local clubs. San Francisco has a really fucked up rule that says that the bars all have to close @ 2am, but they close earlyer, and we all got booted out of the club @ like 1:30am.

Were still jet lagged, and didn't go to sleep last night, but I managed to get a nap in the this arvo. I took over the hotel reception desk to scam free net access, while the manager went off and had some fun. I even ended up serving someone lol.

Ne ways, were learnging the culture a bit more and understanding the do's and dont's. Aparently every state is so very different to each other, and social rules change, but have the same base to them.

I only got another minute of net access left, so i'll have to finish up soon.

The place were staying @, is really nice and clean and we have the room to ourselves. It has all but room service and hot blonde nymph norweigns woman.

Have fun everyone and enjoy your holidays.
