IPv6: Still "beta" quality

Over the last month or so, I've been playing with Internode's IPv6 offering. My platform of choice is my Linux-based gateway.

I'm fast coming to the conclusion that IPv6 just isn't ready for prime-time yet. Support in some of the key components is unstable, and feels rushed.

PPPD, the daemon used to facilitate an ADSL connection for example, doesn't set a default IPv6 route when the "defaultroute" option is specified. Of course, it works for IPv4. To get a default route when the connection is brought up, you need to employ scripting that should really be unnecessary.

But it gets worse. There's currently three DHCPv6 clients you can use to pick up your IPv6 prefix from your ISP: KAME's DHCPv6, Wide-DHCPv6-Client, and Dibbler-Client. KAME's client appears unmaintained (and isn't even packaged in Debian). The Wide client works, but is terribly unstable, requires regular restarts, and doesn't support DNS updates (a.k.a. "FQDNv6"). And the Dibbler client can't split your prefix up.

If you were planning to hand out addresses using DHCP (as opposed to using the auto-generated ones from RA), Wide's DHCPv6 server is about as stable as their client. The logging facilities are terrible -- you either get nothing, or everything spewed out into your syslog.

If your DHCPv6 server or client bombs out on your gateway, the result is generally, your access to the IPv6-Internet drops.

IPv6 has a long way to go if we ever hope to get mainstream use.