Idea #5 - AutoToaster

Okay, not I'm really struggling. Trying to come up with a new idea every week really does test the grey matter! I've been flat out with ACS and really haven't come up with a good idea so here goes.

I was at a party on the weekend and we were discussing an idea for a new kind of toaster. This friend of mine always complained that he hated that butter was always to hard for his toast. It comes from the fridge so it's harder then it should be. Now I realise there is soft spread butter, but who ever let reality ruin a perfectly over-engineered idea.

Idea #4 - ReAction buses

Okay continuing my weekly idea posts is an idea to compliment ACTION buses service. I say service in the loosest sense of the word as buses in Canberra are horrible. The problem I see is that Buses are inconvenient because 1) you have to walk to the bus stop, which may be nowhere near your house 2) you have to walk to your office anyway since the bus doesn't stop nearby and 3) slow as they have to past bus stops where they don't pick anyone up.

Parenting's blame culture

I stumbled across Sue Denegate's "Fed up with children's behaviour" site recently. It should be no surprise to you that it's a .info.

Basically, Sue tries to blame all of the evils in the world on food additives -- preservatives, colourings -- even antioxidants!

Sue's website and DVD have amassed quite a following of parents who choose to blame their children's bad behaviour on food additives. Of all the evils in the world to blame, food additives.

Free West Papua

I've been able to catch up on some TV recently and I've seen these ads to 'Free West Papua'. I'm not commenting on the validity of their case, but have you seen the website address they flash at the end: What a stupidly long address. Particularly since this is only on the screen for a second. So why not have their own proper web site address? Well they do!

Idea #3 - Heated umbrella

Okay, bare with me, I'm recovering from a flu that's kept me home since Friday, so this idea may...okay isn't the best. You have an umbrella with a heater in it. Then you have a large see through plastic that goes from the bottom of the umbrella to your feet (I've already seen this somewhere). This plastic keeps you inside the umbrella and thus keeps the warmth in.

A poem for PHP

PHP, the drug of choice,
Way more hardcore than perl.
PHP, gives newbies a voice,
then sends them into a downward swirl.

PHP, allows development to progress at velocity,
completing projects in record time.
PHP, short for retards committing an atrocity,
using it should be a crime.

PHP, catches you off-guard,
the source of much profanity.
PHP, invites in the retards,
OH MY GOD, for the love of humanity!

Idea #2 - Dance pad

I attend an energise class every Tuesday. I say Energise instead of Dance Aerobics since it sounds less gay. Anyway the instructor is guilty of performing complicated movements and not explaining them very well. Usually it's just one step you can't get, which means you end up one beat out for the set. And it's really hard to work out which step to do when she's up the front and moving very fast.